Package 'sandpaper'

Title: Create and Curate Carpentries Lessons
Description: We provide tools to build a Carpentries-themed lesson repository into an accessible standalone static website. These include local tools and those designed to be used in a continuous integration context so that all the lesson author needs to focus on is writing the content of the actual lesson.
Authors: Robert Davey [aut, cre] , Erin Becker [aut] , Zhian N. Kamvar [aut] , Julien Colomb [ctb] , Ben Companjen [ctb] , Toby Hodges [ctb], François Michonneau [ctb], Kelly Barnes [ctb], Hugo Gruson [ctb], Milan Malfait [ctb] , Joel H. Nitta [aut, trl] , Yanina Bellini Saibene [ctb, trl] , Martin Raden [ctb, trl] , Matthew Armstrong [ctb]
Maintainer: Robert Davey <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.16.11
Built: 2025-03-18 05:51:16 UTC

Help Index

Create a code handout of challenges without solutions


This function will build a handout and save it to files/code-handout.R in your lesson website. This will build with your website if you enable it with options(sandpaper.handout = TRUE) or if you want to specify a path, you can use options(sandpaper.handout = "/path/to/handout.R") to save the handout to a specific path.


build_handout(path = ".", out = NULL)



the path to the lesson. Defaults to current working directory


the path to the handout document. When this is NULL (default) or TRUE, the output will be site/built/files/code-handout.R.

Build your lesson site


This function orchestrates rendering generated lesson content and applying the theme for the HTML site.


  path = ".",
  rebuild = FALSE,
  quiet = !interactive(),
  preview = TRUE,
  override = list()



the path to your repository (defaults to your current working directory)


if TRUE, everything will be built from scratch as if there was no cache. Defaults to FALSE, which will only build markdown files that haven't been built before.


when TRUE, output is supressed


if TRUE, the rendered website is opened in a new window


options to override (e.g. building to alternative paths). This is used internally and will likely be changed.


Structure of a Workbench Lesson

A Carpentries Workbench lesson is comprised of a set of markdown files and folders:

+-- config.yaml
+-- episodes
|   +-- data
|   +-- fig
|   +-- files
|   \-- introduction.Rmd
+-- instructors
|   \--
+-- learners
|   \--
+-- profiles
|   \--
+-- site
    \-- [...]
+-- renv
|   \-- [...]


TRUE if it was successful, a character vector of issues if it was unsuccessful.

See Also

serve(): an interactive way to build and edit lesson content.


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
create_episode("first-script", path = tmp, open = FALSE)

Create an Episode from a template


These functions allow you to create an episode that will be added to the schedule.


  ext = "Rmd",
  make_prefix = FALSE,
  add = TRUE,
  path = ".",
  open = rlang::is_interactive()

  make_prefix = FALSE,
  add = TRUE,
  path = ".",
  open = rlang::is_interactive()

  make_prefix = FALSE,
  add = TRUE,
  path = ".",
  open = rlang::is_interactive()

  make_prefix = FALSE,
  path = ".",
  open = rlang::is_interactive()

  make_prefix = FALSE,
  path = ".",
  open = rlang::is_interactive()



the title of the episode


a character. If ext = "Rmd" (default), then the new episode will be an R Markdown episode. If ext = "md", then the new episode will be a markdown episode, which can not generate dynamic content.


a logical. When TRUE, the prefix for the file will be automatically determined by the files already present. When FALSE (default), it assumes no prefix is needed.


(logical or numeric) If numeric, it represents the position the episode should be added. If TRUE, the episode is added to the end of the schedule. If FALSE, the episode is added as a draft episode.


the path to the {sandpaper} lesson.


if interactive, the episode will open in a new editor window.


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
create_episode_md("getting-started", path = tmp)

Create a carpentries lesson


This will create a boilerplate directory structure for a Carpentries lesson and initialize a git repository.


  name = fs::path_file(path),
  rmd = TRUE,
  rstudio = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
  open = rlang::is_interactive()



the path to the new lesson folder


the name of the lesson. If not provided, the folder name will be used.


logical indicator if the lesson should use R Markdown (TRUE, default), or if it should use Markdown (FALSE). Note that lessons can be converted to use R Markdown at any time by adding a file with the .Rmd file extension in the lesson.


create an RStudio project (defaults to if RStudio exits)


if interactive, the lesson will open in a new editor window.


the path to the new lesson


tmp <- tempfile()
lsn <- create_lesson(tmp, name = "This Lesson", open = FALSE)

Get the configuration parameters for the lesson


Get the configuration parameters for the lesson


get_config(path = ".")



path to the lesson


a yaml list


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)

Show files in draft form


By default, {sandpaper} will use the files in alphabetical order as they are presented in the folders, however, it is strongly for authors to specify the order of the files in their lessons, so that it's easy to rearrange or add, split, or rearrange files.


  folder = NULL,
  message = getOption("sandpaper.show_draft", TRUE)



path to the the sandpaper lesson


the specific folder for which to list the draft files. Defaults to NULL, which indicates all folders listed in config.yaml.


if TRUE (default), an informative message about the files that are in draft status are printed to the screen.


This mechanism also allows authors to work on files in a draft form without them being published. This function will list and show the files in draft for automation and audit.


a vector of paths to files in draft and a message (if specified)

Helpers to extract contents of dropdown menus on the site


This fuction will extract the resources that exist and are listed in the config file.


get_dropdown(path = ".", folder, trim = TRUE)

get_episodes(path = ".", trim = TRUE)

get_learners(path = ".", trim = TRUE)

get_instructors(path = ".", trim = TRUE)

get_profiles(path = ".", trim = TRUE)



the path to the lesson, defaults to the current working directory


the folder to extract fromt he dropdown menues


if TRUE (default), only the file name will be presented. When FALSE, the full path will be prepended.


a character vector of episodes in order of presentation


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
get_learners(tmp) # information for learners

Show a list of languages known by {sandpaper}


Show a list of languages known by {sandpaper}




The known languages are translations of menu and navigational elements that exist in {sandpaper}. If these elements have not been translated for a given language and you would like to add translations for them, please consult vignette("translations", package = "sandpaper") for details of how to do so in the source code for {sandpaper}.

List of Known Languages:

#> - en
#> - de
#> - es
#> - fr
#> - ja
#> - uk


a character vector of language codes known by {sandpaper}

See Also

vignette("translations", package = "sandpaper") for an overview of providing translations.



Lesson Runtime Dependency Management


A customized provisioner for Carpentries Lessons based on renv that will install and maintain the requirements for the lesson while respecting user environments. This setup leads to several advantages:

  • reliable setup: the version of the lesson built on the carpentries website will be the same as what you build on your computer because the packages will be identical

  • environmentally friendly: The lesson dependencies are NOT stored in your default R library and they will not alter your R environment.

  • transparent: any additions or deletions to the cache will be recorded in the lockfile, which is tracked by git.

The functions that control this cache are the following:

  1. manage_deps(): Creates and updates the dependencies in your lesson. If no lockfile exists in your lesson, this will create one for you.

  2. update_cache(): fetches updates for the dependencies and applies them to your cache and lockfile.

This is a wrapper around renv::record(), which helps you record a package or set of packages in your lockfile. It can be useful when you want to upgrade or downgrade a specific package.


  path = ".",
  profile = "lesson-requirements",
  snapshot = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE

  path = ".",
  profile = "lesson-requirements",
  prompt = interactive(),
  quiet = !prompt,
  snapshot = TRUE

pin_version(records = NULL, profile = "lesson-requirements", path = ".")



path to your lesson. Defaults to the current working directory.


default to the profile for the lesson. Defaults to lesson-requirements. Only use this if you know what you are doing.


if TRUE, packages from the cache are added to the lockfile (default). Setting this to FALSE will add packages to the cache and not snapshot them.


if TRUE, output will be suppressed, defaults to FALSE, providing output about different steps in the process of updating the local dependencies.


if TRUE, a message will show you the packages that will be updated in your lockfile and ask for your permission. This is the default if it's running in an interactive session.


a character vector or list of packages/resources to include in the lockfile. The most common way to do this is to use the ⁠[package]@[version]⁠ syntax (e.g. [email protected]), but there are other specifications where you can specify the remote repository. See renv::record() for details.


The renv package provides a very useful interface to bring one aspect of reproducibility to R projects. Because people working on Carpentries lessons are also working academics and will likely have projects on their computer where the package versions are necessary for their work, it's important that those environments are respected.

Our flavor of {renv} applies a package cache explicitly to the content of the lesson, but does not impose itself as the default {renv} environment.

This provisioner will do the following steps:

  1. check for consent to use the package cache via use_package_cache() and prompt for it if needed

  2. check if the profile has been created and create it if needed via renv::init()

  3. populate the cache with packages needed from the user's system and download any that are missing via renv::hydrate(). This includes all new packages that have been added to the lesson.

  4. If there is a lockfile already present, make sure the packages in the cache are aligned with the lockfile (downloading sources if needed) via renv::restore().

  5. Record the state of the cache in a lockfile tracked by git. This will include adding new packages and removing old packages. renv::snapshot()

When the lockfile changes, you will see it in git and have the power to either commit or restore those changes.


if snapshot = TRUE, a nested list representing the lockfile will be returned.

the contents of the lockfile, invisibly

See Also

use_package_cache() and no_package_cache() for turning on and off the package cache, respectively.

Move an episode in the schedule


If you need to move a single episode, this function gives you a programmatic or interactive interface to accomplishing this task, whether you need to add and episode, draft, or remove an episode from the schedule.


move_episode(ep = NULL, position = NULL, write = FALSE, path = ".")



the name of a draft episode or the name/number of a published episode to move.


the position in the schedule to move the episode. Valid positions are from 0 to the number of episodes (+1 for drafts). A value of 0 indicates that the episode should be removed from the schedule.


defaults to FALSE, which will show the potential changes. If TRUE, the schedule will be modified and written to config.yaml


the path to the lesson (defaults to the current working directory)

See Also

create_episode(), set_episodes(), get_drafts(), get_episodes()


if (interactive() || Sys.getenv("CI") != "") {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  create_episode_md("getting-started", path = tmp, open = FALSE)
  create_episode_rmd("plotting", path = tmp, open = FALSE)
  create_episode_md("experimental", path = tmp, add = FALSE, open = FALSE)
  set_episodes(tmp, c("", "introduction.Rmd", "plotting.Rmd"),
    write = TRUE)

  # Default episode order is alphabetical, we can use this to nudge episodes
  move_episode("introduction.Rmd", 1L, path = tmp) # by default, it shows you the change
  move_episode("introduction.Rmd", 1L, write = TRUE, path = tmp) # write the results

  # Add episodes from the drafts
  move_episode("", 2L, path = tmp) # view where it will live
  move_episode("", 2L, write = TRUE, path = tmp)

  # Unpublish episodes by setting position to zero
  move_episode("", 0L, path = tmp) # view the results
  move_episode("", 0L, write = TRUE, path = tmp)

  # Interactively select the position where the episode should go by omitting
  # the position argument
  if (interactive()) {
    move_episode("", path = tmp)

Clear the schedule in the lesson


Clear the schedule in the lesson


reset_episodes(path = ".")



path to the lesson


NULL, invisibly


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
get_episodes(tmp) # produces warning
set_episodes(tmp, get_episodes(tmp), write = TRUE)
get_episodes(tmp) # no warning
get_episodes(tmp) # produces warning again because there is no schedule

Remove all files associated with the site


Use this if you want to rebuild your site from scratch.


reset_site(path = ".")



the path to the site


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
build_lesson(tmp, preview = FALSE)
dir(file.path(tmp, "site"))
dir(file.path(tmp, "site"))

Global Options


this is some documentation about options


option("sandpaper.show_draft" = TRUE)
option("sandpaper.links" = NULL)
option("sandpaper.use_renv" = FALSE)
option("sandpaper.package_cache_trigger" = FALSE)
option("sandpaper.test_fixture" = NULL)

As of 2022-02-22, there are several options that are used in sandpaper that may be manipulated by the user. This set may change in the future, but here are the description of these options and how they are set on startup:


Default: TRUE This is for user messages. If TRUE, a message about episodes in draft status (i.e. episodes that are in the folder, but not in the schedule) will be printed with get_drafts(). Setting this option to FALSE will turn off this feature.


Default: NULL This option provides a way to override the default place for links in your sandpaper lesson. If it is NULL and there is a file called at the top of the repository, this will be appended to the bottom of each page before it is rendered to HTML.


Default: variable This option should not be modified by the user. It determines if {renv} should be used locally for R-based lessons. It is set by use_package_cache() and unset by no_package_cache(). If a local user has never consented to using {renv} previously, then it defaults to FALSE, but if {renv} has previously been used, it will be TRUE.


Default: FALSE locally/TRUE on GitHub this tells R Markdown lessons to rebuild everything if the {renv} lockfile changes.


Default: NULL This is ONLY for internal use for testing interactive components non-interactively and for setting {renv} to behave correctly while testing.

Build your lesson and work on it at the same time


This function will serve your lesson and it will auto-update whenever you save a file.


serve(path = ".", quiet = !interactive(), ...)



the path to your lesson. Defaults to the current path.


if TRUE, then no messages are printed to the output. Defaults to FALSE in non-interactive sessions, which allows messages to be printed.


options passed on to servr::server_config() by way of servr::httw(). These can include port and host configuration.


sandpaper::serve() is an entry point to working on any lesson using The Carpentries Workbench. When you run this function interactively, a preview window will open either in RStudio or your browser with an address like localhost:4321 (note the number will likely be different). When you make changes to files in your lesson, this preview will update automatically.

When you are done with the preview, you can run servr::daemon_stop().

Command line usage

You can use this on the command line if you do not use RStudio or another IDE that acts as a web browser. To run this on the command line, use:

R -e 'sandpaper::serve()'

Note that unlike an interactive session, progress messages are not printed (except for the accessibility checks) and the browser window will not automatically launch. You can have these messages print to screen with the quiet = FALSE argument. In addition, If you want to specify a port and host for this function, you can do so using the port and host arguments:

R -e 'sandpaper::serve(quiet = FALSE, host = "", port = "3435")'


the output of servr::httw(), invisibly. This is mainly used for its side-effect

See Also

build_lesson(), render the lesson once, locally.


if (FALSE) {
  # create an example lesson
  tmp <- tempfile()
  create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE)

  # open the episode for editing
  file.edit(fs::path(tmp, "episodes", "01-introduction.Rmd"))

  # serve the lesson and begin editing the file. Watch how the file will
  # auto-update whenever you save it.
  # to stop the server, run
  # If you want to use a different port, you can specify it directly
  sandpaper::serve(host = "", port = "3435")

Set individual keys in a configuration file


Set individual keys in a configuration file


set_config(pairs = NULL, create = FALSE, path = ".", write = FALSE)



a named list or character vector with keys as the names and the new values as the contents


if TRUE, any new values in pairs will be created and appended; defaults to FALSE, which prevents typos from sneaking in. single key-pair values currently supported.


path to the lesson. Defaults to the current directory.


if TRUE, the schedule will overwrite the schedule in the current file.


This function deals strictly with keypairs in the yaml. For lists, see set_dropdown().

Default Keypairs Known by Sandpaper

When you create a new lesson in sandpaper, there are a set of default keypairs that are pre-filled. To make sure contact information and links in the footer are accurate, please modify these values.

  • carpentry ⁠[character]⁠ one of cp, dc, swc, lab, incubator

  • title ⁠[character]⁠ the lesson title (e.g. 'Introduction to R for Plant Pathologists'

  • created ⁠[character]⁠ Date in ISO 8601 format (e.g. '2021-02-09')

  • keywords ⁠[character]⁠ comma-separated list (e.g 'static site, R, tidyverse')

  • life_cycle ⁠[character]⁠ one of pre-alpha, alpha, beta, stable

  • license ⁠[character]⁠ a license for the lesson (e.g. 'CC-BY 4.0')

  • source ⁠[character]⁠ the source repository URL

  • branch ⁠[character]⁠ the default branch (e.g. 'main')

  • contact ⁠[character]⁠ an email address of who to contact for more information about the lesson

Optional Keypairs Known by Sandpaper

The following keypairs are known by sandpaper, but are optional:

  • lang ⁠[character]⁠ the language code that matches the language of the lesson content. This defaults to "en", but can be any language code (e.g. "ja" specifying Japanese) or combination language code and country code (e.g. "pt_BR" specifies Pourtugese used in Brazil). For more information on how this is used, see the Locale Names section of the gettext manual

  • url ⁠[character]⁠ custom URL if you are deploying to a URL that is not the default github pages io domain.

  • fail_on_error ⁠[boolean]⁠ for R Markdown lessons; fail the build if any chunks produce an error. Use ⁠#| error: true⁠ in chunk options to allow the error to be displayed

  • workbench-beta ⁠[boolean]⁠ if truthy, this displays a banner on the site that indicates the site is in the workbench beta phase.

  • overview ⁠[boolean]⁠ All lessons must have episodes with the exception of overview lessons. To indicate that your lesson serves as an overview for other lessons, use overview: true

  • handout ⁠[boolean]⁠ or ⁠[character]⁠ This option instructs {sandpaper} to create a handout of all RMarkdown files via {pegboard}, which uses knitr::purl() in the background after removing everything but the challenges (without solutions) and any code blocks where purl = TRUE. The default path for the handout is files/code-handout.R

As the workbench becomes more developed, some of these optional keys may disappear.

Custom Engines

To use a specific version of sandpaper or varnish locally, you would install them using remotes::install_github("carpentries/sandpaper@VERSION") syntax, but to provision these versions on GitHub, you can provision these in the config.yaml file:

  • sandpaper ⁠[character]⁠ github string or version number of sandpaper version to use

  • varnish ⁠[character]⁠ github string or version number of varnish version to use

  • pegboard ⁠[character]⁠ github string or version number of pegboard version to use

For example, if you had forked your own version of varnish to modify the colourscheme, you could use:

varnish: MYACCOUNT/varnish

If there is a specific branch of sandpaper or varnish that is being tested, and you want to test it on your lesson temporarily, you could use the @ symbol to refer to the specific branch or commit to use:

sandpaper: carpentries/sandpaper@BRANCH-NAME
varnish: carpentries/varnish@BRANCH-name


if (FALSE) {
tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, "test lesson", open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
# Change the title and License (default vars)
set_config(c(title = "Absolutely Free Lesson", license = "CC0"),
  path = tmp,
  write = TRUE

# add the URL and workbench-beta indicator
set_config(list("workbench-beta" = TRUE, url = ""),
  path = tmp,
  create = TRUE,
  write = TRUE

Set the order of items in a dropdown menu


Set the order of items in a dropdown menu


set_dropdown(path = ".", order = NULL, write = FALSE, folder)

set_episodes(path = ".", order = NULL, write = FALSE)

set_learners(path = ".", order = NULL, write = FALSE)

set_instructors(path = ".", order = NULL, write = FALSE)

set_profiles(path = ".", order = NULL, write = FALSE)



path to the lesson. Defaults to the current directory.


the files in the order presented (with extension)


if TRUE, the schedule will overwrite the schedule in the current file.


one of four folders that sandpaper recognises where the files listed in order are located: episodes, learners, instructors, profiles.


tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, "test lesson", open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
# Change the title and License
set_config(c(title = "Absolutely Free Lesson", license = "CC0"),
  path = tmp,
  write = TRUE
create_episode("using-R", path = tmp, open = FALSE)
print(sched <- get_episodes(tmp))

# reverse the schedule
set_episodes(tmp, order = rev(sched))
# write it
set_episodes(tmp, order = rev(sched), write = TRUE)

# see it

This will strip existing episode prefixes and set the schedule


Episode order for Carpentries lessons originally used a strategy of prefixing files by a two-digit number to force a specific order by filename. This function will strip these numbers from the filename and set the schedule according to the original order.


strip_prefix(path = ".", write = FALSE)



the path to the lesson (defaults to the current working directory)


defaults to FALSE, which will show the potential changes. If TRUE, the schedule will be modified and written to config.yaml


when write = TRUE, the modified list of episodes. When write = FALSE, the modified call is returned.


git will recognise this as deleting a file and then adding a new file in the stage. If you run ⁠git add⁠, it should recognise that it is a rename.

See Also

create_episode() for creating new episodes, move_episode() for moving individual episodes around.


if (FALSE) {
  strip_prefix() # test if the function is doing what you want it to do
  strip_prefix(write = TRUE) # rewrite the episode names

Update github workflows


This function copies and updates the workflows to run {sandpaper}.


  path = ".",
  files = "",
  overwrite = TRUE,
  clean = "*.yaml",
  quiet = FALSE



path to the current lesson.


the files to include in the update. Defaults to an empty string, which will update all files


if TRUE (default), the file(s) will be overwritten.


glob of files to be cleaned before writing. Defaults to "*.yaml". to remove all files with the four-letter "yaml" extension (but it will not remove the ".yml" extension). You can also specify a whole file name like "workflow.yaml" to remove one specific file. If you do not want to clean, set this to NULL.


if TRUE, the process will not output any messages, default is FALSE, which will report on the progress of each step.


the paths to the new files.

Update the local version of the carpentries style


Update the local version of the carpentries style


update_varnish(version = NULL, ...)



if NULL, update the latest version, otherwise, this can be a version string to identify the specific version to use.


arguments passed on to utils::install.packages()


NULL, invisibly


this requires an internet connection

Give Consent to Use Package Cache


These functions explicitly gives sandpaper permission to use renv to create a package cache for this and future lessons. There are two states that you can use:

  1. use_package_cache(): Gives explicit permission to set up and use the package cache with your lesson.

  2. no_package_cache(): Temporarily suspends permission to use the package cache with your lesson, regardless if it was previously given.

Once you have a package cache defined, you can use changes in the lockfile to trigger rebuilds of the lesson. To do this, you can use:

  • package_cache_trigger(TRUE)

The above function is best used in conjunction with update_cache()


use_package_cache(prompt = interactive(), quiet = !prompt)


package_cache_trigger(rebuild = NULL)



if TRUE (default when interactive), a prompt for consent giving information about the proposed modifications will appear on the screen asking for the user to choose to apply the changes or not.


if TRUE, messages will not be issued unless prompt = TRUE. This defaults to the opposite of prompt.


The new value of the sandpaper.package_cache_trigger global option. Setting this to TRUE will result in all materials being rebuilt when new records enter the package cache lockfile even if no source files have changed. Setting this to FALSE will return this to the default state, which is to rebuld only if the source files have changed. The default is NULL, which does nothing.



By default, sandpaper will happily build your lesson using the packages available in your default R library, but this can be undesirable for a couple of reasons:

  1. You may have a different version of a lesson package that is used on the lesson website, which may result in strange errors, warnings, or incorrect output.

  2. You might be very cautious about updating any components of your current R infrastructure because your work depends on you having the correct package versions installed.

To alleviate these concerns, sandpaper uses the renv package to generate a lesson-specific library that has package versions pinned until the lesson authors choose to update them. This is designed to be minimally-invasive, using the packages you already have and downloading from external repositories only when necessary.

What if I have used renv before?

If you have used renv in the past, then there is no need to give consent to use the cache.

How do I turn off the feature temporarily?

To turn off the feature you can use no_package_cache(). sandpaper will respect this option when building your lesson and will use your global library instead.

I have used renv before; how do I turn it off before sandpaper loads?

You can set options(sandpaper.use_renv = FALSE) before loading {sandpaper}.


nothing. this is used for its side-effect

the value of getOption("sandpaper.package_cache_trigger") or FALSE, if it is unset.

See Also

manage_deps() and update_cache() for managing the requirements inside the package cache.


if (!getOption("sandpaper.use_renv") && interactive()) {
  # The first time you set up `{renv}`, you will need permission
  use_package_cache(prompt = TRUE)
  # The package cache trigger is FALSE, by default
  default <- package_cache_trigger()
  # You can set this to `TRUE` when you update packages with `update_cache()`
  # set the trigger back to its former state

if (getOption("sandpaper.use_renv") && interactive()) {
  # If you have previously used `{renv}`, permission is implied
  use_package_cache(prompt = TRUE)

  # You can temporarily turn this off
  getOption("sandpaper.use_renv") # should be FALSE
  use_package_cache(prompt = TRUE)